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  • Jorge Perez

Midterm Project

Original idea: My midterm idea is two create an interactive game where there is a set of say 10 lights all off ( one light a different color than the rest) and each light would be lit than turned off at a certain speed in order from left to right. The goal would be to press a button when the different color light is lit. I also want to add 3 levels (easy,medium hard) so the light would get faster at each stage.

Final Project: My end project didn't really come out as I originally planned it. I struggled on coding the game to speed up once the button is pressed on the green light. So instead of the game going through a faster stage, I could only code my microbit to reset once the button is press on green. If the button is pressed on any of the red lights, a "X" symbol will appear as planned and you would lose the game. At the end of the game you will see the words "GAMEOVER" pretty much indicating that you've lost. I've noticed that if the button is pressed on the wrong light in "stage 2", the cycle will run at the faster speed but the game was essentially lost. Not entirely sure how its works in that instance but if the green button is pressed on "stage 2", the game will just cycle over at the starting speed.

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My midterm idea is two create an interactive game where there is a set of say 10 lights all off ( one light a different color than the rest) and each light would be lit than turned off at a certain sp

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