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Assignment 8 Previous Project: My project was...

Assignment 7 The idea behind this project was to recreate the "Sharingan eye" from the show...

Midterm Project

Original idea: My midterm idea is two create an interactive game where there is a set of say 10 lights all off ( one light a different...

Midterm Idea

My midterm idea is two create an interactive game where there is a set of say 10 lights all off ( one light a different color than the...

Assignment 4 Jukebox

For this project I created a jukebox with two buttons that play two different songs when pressed. I also added functions for the A and B...

Assignment 3

The idea behind my project was to create a guessing game where a certain amount of button presses would either make you win or lose. At...

If VAR was used for soccer in the 70s VAR (Video Assistance Referee) are match officials in soccer who review the decisions made by...

The Interactive Wooden Mirror

This project was made by using 835 wooden tiles to display an image of the objects placed in front of the art. The art piece has a camera...

Blog: Blog2
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